Women's sports circuits ideas competition

Public spaces have traditionally reflected gender inequalities, affecting how people interact and use these spaces. Through this contest, we aim to ensure that all citizens, regardless of gender, can safely and equitably enjoy and use public spaces for sports.

Barcelona aims to transform public spaces to ensure equality and safety in sports. The women's sports circuits competition, led by the Barcelona Sports Institute and BIT Habitat, seeks innovative solutions that encourage female participation and improve safety perceptions in the city's sports circuits, making public spaces more welcoming and safe for everyone.


  • Innovative methodologies and resources in terms of planning and execution.
  • Ideas with a technological component, whether existing or new.
  • Multidisciplinary, intesectional and cross-cutting approach.
  • Scalable and sustainable. 
  • Prototype implementable in the short term.


  • Financial prizes: Three awards of €2,500 for the best proposals and up to €42,500 to develop the winning prototype.
  • Innovation and impact: Your project can significantly contribute to shaping a more inclusive and sustainable future for Barcelona.
  • Visibility and support: Winning proposals will receive significant visibility within the innovation ecosystem. Additionally, we offer expert advice throughout the project development process.
  • Monitoring and scalability of the innovative solution

Expires on September 06, 2024

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