Research Support Technician - NanoBiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications. ICN2 - Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia

NanoB2A group focuses on the development of novel nanobiosensor devices based on plasmonics, nanoplasmonics and silicon-based photonics principles, including surface biofunctionalization, microfluidics for automatic fluid delivery and complete lab-on-a-chip integration for point-of-care devices. The application and technology transfer of the nanobiosensor devices for clinical diagnostics and environmental control is one of the Group's main objectives. The job is framed within a recently granted national  Proof-of-Concept project (PDC2023-145891-I00) entitled "Integrated prototype of a nanophotonic microchip biosensor for ultrasensitive multiplexed analysis of sexually transmitted infections (TYPLEX)". The job will be essentially related to the prototyping of an optical reader device and integrated microchip cartridges for the defined target clinical applications. If you are interested in joining to a young, dinamyc and highly multidisciplinary team, with a highly innovative research and technology transfer project, this could be your opportunity.

Main Tasks and responsibilities:

To develop and optimize the biosensor analytical performances. This includes design and assessment of surface chemistry and biofunctionalization strategies, evaluation of assay conditions, and validation with clinical samples.

Deadline for applications: 15th August 2024

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