Maintenance Engineer per el Sincrotró ALBA

The main functions of this engineer would be to give support to the maintenance, and to operate, technical installations, like HVAC, compressed air poduction and distribution, production of de-ionized water for cooling, and liquefaction of recovered helium gas among others).

In detail this functions would include:

  • To run the maintenance plan for different assets and technical installations, including HVAC, Compressed air, de-ionized water cooling system and Helium liquefaction plant.
  • To gain expertise in the maintenance and operation of the different industrial- control systems already installed in the Synchrotron facility.
  • To reach deep technical knowledge about the existing systems (HVAC, compressed air, de-ionized water cooling system) and to develop the capability to generate failure diagnostics.
  • To develop the technical specifications, as well as costs estimations and/or technical specifications for tendering processes.
  • To undertake project follow-up from conceptual design to commissioning, including, when applicable, the follow-up of tendering processes.
  • To follow-up and supervise subcontracted companies for the maintenance tasks.
  • To develop new technical installations for the new beamlines..


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