BL Scientist 3sBAR within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan per el Sincrotró ALBA

The Experiments Division of the ALBA synchrotron light source is seeking a beamline scientist expert in surface diffraction/scattering with knowledge in photoelectron spectroscopy for the new, under construction, Surface Spectroscopy and Structure at 1 bar (3Sbar) beamline.

This beamline will be unique worldwide allowing unprecedent on surface and interfces combining X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (and XANES) with X-ray diffraction at elevated partial pressures (several bar range)

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Develop your own scientific program in diffraction in combination with X-ray spectroscopy (ideally HAXPES or/and XANES related techniques), aligned with the scientific program of the beamline and, in the larger context, of the Chemical and Material science section.
  • Develop innovative hardware and software tools for the 3Sbar beamline, together with the rest of the scientific ALBA staff and the corresponding engineers and technicians.
  • Provide support to design, construct and install 3Sbar beamline in collaboration with the group and support staff.
  • Provide support to the scientific users of the 3Sbar preparing the beamline as a Local Contact (as soon as it is operational).
  • Participate in the beamline research program of the 3Sbar group, national and European projects and collaborations. This may also include the initiation of new projects if appropriate.


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