2024 Garage+ Global Program - Fall Batch

Unlock the unique opportunity to pitch your technologydirectly to top executives and VCs. Communicating with decision-makers can significantly enhance your chances for successful partnershipt. Plus, you'll gain valuable insights into the current startegic priorities of leading companies and better identify the market needs.

Why Join?

#Direct_Access_to_Industry_Leaders: Garage+ is supported by 30+ member companies, all blue-chip companies and  key players in the global supply chain. Our 1-on-1 meetings connect you with high-level executives from these leading Taiwanese enterprises, offering invaluable networking and collaboration opportunities.

#Proven_Success: Over the past 5 years, each international startup has averaged more than 7 meetings with high-level executives. More than 1/3 of these teams maintain ongoing relationships, securing further funding and partnership opportunities.

#Diverse_Collaboration_Opportunities: Our program spans various tech sectors including ICT, AI Computing, IoT, Smart Devices, Healthcare, and Green Tech. We also cover Martech, Edutech, Fintech, and Lifestyle, ensuring a wide array of potential partnerships.

Expires on September 09, 2024

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