‘Urban Energy Modelling – Software Developer per l'IREC

The Thermal Energy and Building Performance Group announces a position of High-skilled Recognised Researcher/ Project Engineer (R2-Pre-Consolidated) in the field of Urban & Energy Modelling with significant knowledge and experience in Python developments, Data engineering, Procedural Modeling. The work will be embedded in the Thermal Energy and Building Performance Group which main research subject is the integrated and systemic approach towards positive energy buildings and communities. The group’s vision is to investigate in solutions and strategies that accelerates the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector through human-centred design, energy efficiency measures, integration and management of energy systems, particularly distributed renewable sources in the built environment as part of urban communities.

The candidate will participate as Python programmer/developer with specific capabilities on data analytics & algorithm development in the subject matter of energy & buildings engineering to contribute on technical work of research projects accounting for different levels of energy models for the built Environment and integration in computational tools. Activities where he/she will be involved are programming of codes applied to dynamic  imulation of buildings integrated in smart infrastructures. Focus will be in residential building stock, Local Energy Communities and UBEM (Urban Building Energy Models). The candidate will work in EU international projects within the subject of Retrofitting of Buildings, Positive Energy Districts and Local Energy Communities. Self-sufficiency on lgorithm developments with demonstrated knowledge on programming methods will be a core task. Properly elaboration of reporting report, independent management of work packages and tasks on R&I projects and collaboration in articles for scientific publication will be also carried out. He/she will smoothly start working in several EU projects such as Making PEDs (Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership R&I programme, DUT call 2022), ARV (https://greendeal-arv.eu/), as well in other national and internal projects.

Deadline for application: 12/08/2024

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