Understanding Our Trees Challenge

Project/objectives description: Understanding the moisture content of trees and logs allows pulp and paper manufacturers like CMPC to make better decisions about wood supply, from forests to mills. Improving moisture and density measurement capabilities will further refine CMPC’s harvesting and transport operations, which are key to a more efficient and sustainable pulp and paper manufacturing process management. 

By enhancing measurement techniques and optimizing operations, innovative solutions can maximize the value of raw materials, minimize waste, reduce energy consumption, and mitigate environmental impact throughout the product life cycle. Through collaborative efforts between industry stakeholders and innovators, we can drive continuous improvement in pulp and paper practices, paving the way for a more sustainable and circular economy.

Shortlisted applicants will present their technology to CMPC. The winning innovator, or innovators, will have the opportunity to present a pilot proposal to CMPC, with the potential to scale across all CMPC productions.

Expires on July 06, 2024

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