Software République Call for Projects - Cybersecurity for vehicular mobility

Software République is a European collaborative ecosystem enabling secure and sustainable mobility, composed of seven leading companies: Dassault Systèmes | Eviden | JCDecaux | Orange | Renault Group | STMicroelectronics | Thales.

SWR provides citizens, companies, and local authorities with comprehensive offers ranging from user interfaces to energy management, which integrates vehicle systems, service platforms and network operating tools.

Project/objectives description:

Software République is currently launching a new call for projects enabling start-ups to propose innovations in cybersecurity for vehicles (excluding rail/air vehicles). 

The aim is to find innovative solutions to the challenges of vehicle cybersecurity, with the emphasis on on-board/off-board technologies and AI.

The areas of interest include the following:

  • Detection and prevention of cyber attacks, 
  • Protection against theft of sensitive data and information
  • Securing on-board communication and autonomous driving systems.

The application deadline is on 12 July.

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