Senior Researcher in Transport and/or Mobility per el CIMNE

Currently, the Innovation Unit CENIT from CIMNE is leading transportation and mobility projects at an international level, both for European Commission and multilateral organizations. CENIT is looking for a senior researcher in the field of transportation and/or mobility. The key responsibilities and tasks involve taking a leading and proactive role in CENIT's research projects. Specifically, but not exclusively, they will include:

  • Coordination with fellow consortium members in the work tasks in which CIMNE participates.
  • Research work in the field of transportation and mobility.  
  • Coordination of the team members involved in projects.
  • Technical support in commercial tasks.  
  • Dissemination of results (at workshops, seminars, congresses, etc.), including the preparation of scientific reports and papers.

We offer the chance to work for an international organization on leading research topics (energy, digitalization, etc.), providing opportunities for professional growth.

The registration deadline for the offer is July 16th, 2024 at 12 noon.

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