This report addresses the contributions of projects funded by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe to the reform of research assessment practices. It is part of a series of three reports, produced in parallel, that take stock of the progress and promising practices generated by a selection of EU-funded projects on skills, research assessment reform and by the research and innovation (R&I) activities of the Horizon 2020 ‘Science with and for Society’ (SwafS) projects supporting the European University Alliances (hereafter alliances). This report is the first to capture contributions of EU-funded projects on research assessment since the publication of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment in 2021.
It gives an overview of the evidence relating to the practices implemented so far, on the basis of emerging and interim activities and outputs. While this first report could only include the early-stage developments, many further activities, outputs and outcomes are likely to develop at a fast pace in the coming years. The aim of the report is to map research assessment activities that are tested, developed and implemented through EU-funded projects, and to support the dissemination of good practices stemming from them, along with analysing their role in contributing to the wider cultural change underpinning the movement towards reformed research assessment.
The report serves to share information with EU and national policymakers, research-funding organisations (RFOs) and RPOs. Furthermore, the report presents policy recommendations relating to research assessment, to support the attainment of the commitments enshrined in the agreement on reforming research assessment
European Commission, European Research Executive Agency, Oancea, A., Wilson, S., Report on research assessment, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
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