Postdoctoral Researcher - Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group. ICN2 - Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia

The Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group at ICN2 is focused on the discovery and technological development of cutting-edge nanotechnology towards diagnostics, food and safety and environmental applications. The group exploits phenomena that occur at the nanoscale in order to generate simple and novel biosensing platforms. They hold a wide expertise in cells, pathogens, DNA, proteins and small molecules detection using both optical and electrochemical approaches.

The main objective of Merkoçi group is to design nanotech devices that can be used even by non professional people for fast diagnostic at home or doctor's office, control of food quality, safety and security applications where either an emergency exists or an alternative method toward the sophisticated and expensive laboratory instrumentation is being required.           

Main Tasks and responsibilities:

The researcher will be the contact person between ICN2 and the company that will develop an app for electrochemical measurements for the MICROB-PREDICT project, in order to follow its implementation.

The candidate will work on the introduction of biosensor data, which includes all electrical parameters of the transducer, including their ranges. He/she will also be responsible for the biosensor measurements via app and the validation of the data with the conventional measurement system.

The candidate will also lead the training of app users for its use in the clinical setting with the consortium partners.

Deadline for applications: 14th August 2024

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