PLC Automation Engineer pel Sincrotró Alba

The Controls and Data Acquisition Section is staffed by 19 engineers. The section is responsible of design, develop, operate and support the Control Systems of the Accelerators and Beamlines and the Data Acquisition systems required for the experiments. In addition, the section is also taking charge for the Protection Systems for Personnel and Equipment.

We are looking for a PLC Automation Engineer eager to learn and take on new challenges while contributing to:

  • Develop PLC-based systems for the control, equipment protection, and personnel protection systems of the ALBA's Beamlines and Accelerators. This includes sensor readouts, mechanical actuators, interlock mechanisms and other components.
  • Provide support for several services related to the Control Systems, in particular for the Accelerators and Beamlines during operation.
  • Participate in the maintenance of the PLC's systems during specified periods.
  • Interact with distributed Controls System of the Accelerator and Beamlines (TANGO).
  • Be part of an Agile team in protection system projects.
  • The successful candidate will work in technical areas such as: 
  • PLC-based platforms B&R and Siemens S7
  • Field buses: X2X, SafetyNet, Profinet and EtherCAT
  • OPC UA protocol
  • Design and implementation of real time control algorithms


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