The ICN2 offers a competitive PhD Programme to talented students who wish to develop a research career at one of the top European institutions in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Selected students will have the opportunity to develop their PhD thesis in a topic at the cutting-edge of nanoresearch in a stimulating environment with access to outstanding research infrastructure.

Selected candidates will benefit from the ICN2 PhD Programme, which comprises a structured training path with scientific seminars, and technical and transferable skills training throughout the duration of their PhD, plus periodical monitoring and evaluation activities. The objective is to provide students with all the support they need for the proper development of their research career.

The ICN2 actively promotes international and interdisciplinary research. As such, our PhD students are strongly encouraged to undertake mobility actions, like research visits abroad (including industrial placements), collaborations with national and international partners, and conference and workshop attendance. The overall goal is to maximise the student's career prospects after completing their PhD, improving their chances of continuing their research at prominent institutions worldwide in academia and/or industry.

Deadline for applications: 5 July 2024

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