Goldreed Industrial Design Award

The Goldreed Industrial Design Award (GIDA), established in 2019 with the support of the People’s Government of Hebei Province and Xiongan New Area Administrative Committee, is an international design award driven by globalization, specialization, and market orientation. Hosted by the Xiongan Future Industrial Design Institute and managed by the Goldreed Industrial Design Award Organizing Committee, GIDA seeks to blend eastern and western design philosophies to foster a future-oriented, sustainable approach to industrial design. It emphasizes the integration of technology, social innovation, and Chinese principles of peace and harmony, aiming to attract global design talents to envision and inspire future lifestyles and urban development.

Individual designers, enterprises, institutions, design agencies, colleges, design teams and scientific research institutions from any country and region in the world are eligible to participate.

Applicants must either be the author of the submitted entry or possess the rights to the entries they present.

If multiple parties contribute to an entry’s development (i.e., designers, companies, etc.), ensure that only one party registers and submits the entry. Each entry can only be submitted once, under a single category and group.

Participation is free of charge. Submissions are open until 24:00, July 8, 2024 (Beijing time).

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