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OPEN CHALLENGE Circular Economy

How might CCEP improve traceability of our products throughout our Supply chain in collaboration with our partners to build towards a more circular economy?

We’re kicking off our first open challenge designed to find the startups and bright minds capable of delivering the next generation of technologies which can help us work towards our sustainability goals.



We are looking for startups (from pre-seed or growth stage) with ready to deliver solutions. Startups will need to choose if they want to participate from Berlin or Barcelona, although they must be an EU or UK entity.


The winning team will receive funding to develop and implement the pilot

There is also an opportunity for students, who will be part of a matchmaking process with those startups that may need an extra pair of hands during the IDEATION WEEKEND.

Why participate?

CCEP is committed to working with the winning project and will be contributing valuable time and experience, sharing resources and assets where relevant. Together with MWCapital, a proof of concept pilot will be funded, to test and prove the value of the solution and its potential for scale

The Open Call will be opened until April 21st.

On April 26th, we will announce selected startups and do matchmaking with startups.

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