Tourism & Hospitality Jobs in Norway. EURES - European Job Days

The Online Job Day event will take place ONLINE on 13 March from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. (CET)

Are you looking for new job opportunities in hospitality in Norway? Then you are at the right place! Norwegian employers are recruiting candidates in the following sectors:

  • Hospitality (HoReCa): Cooks and chefs, waiters/waitresses, bartenders, hotel staff
  • Leisure activities: Tour guides, activity guides, tour bus drivers
  • Permanent and seasonal jobs

If you are curious about the various job opportunities and eager to meet employers from Norway, then register as a Jobseeker and find out your options!

On 13 March 2024, we will be offering you the possibility to:

  • Get to know your future employer
  • Apply for available jobs
  • Have interviews and/or chat with employers
  • Learn more about living and working in Norway
  • Chat with EURES Advisers in Norway during the whole event! (We will try to answer your questions about living and working in Norway.)
  • Watch various presentations. Check the Programme!

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