EMBEDDED SYSTEMS ENGINEER – Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)

The Navigation and Positioning Unit (N&P) Research Unit is searching for a talented engineer aiming at significantly improving her or his career in a stimulating environment and within a dynamic and internationally recognized research group.

For more information about the N&P Research Unit please refer to https://www.cttc.cat/navigation-positioning/.

We are looking for a highly motivated, enthusiastic, empathic person, with passion for engineering, scientific research and desire to learn and explore new technologies. In particular, the successful candidate is expected to participate in the design and development of experimental GNSS receiver’s prototypes and testbeds. It includes among other activities, embedded Linux software programming, middleware programing for efficient interactions and high-speed communications between CPUs and FPGAs and control software for integrated RF front-ends.

Closes: 09/03/2024

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