R1 – Project Engineer for LCA and LCC Energy Technologies and Smart Grid integration and optimization

The Energy Systems Analytics Research Group is seeking a talented Project Engineer to join our team. In this role, you will play a crucial role in analysing the life cycle of energy technologies and assessing their viability within sustainability projects. You will primarily utilize Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to evaluate various energy technologies, including battery systems, photovoltaic, and wind power. Additionally, you will provide engineering support and analyse the energy economics of projects related to Energy Efficiency in Systems. As part of your main responsibilities, you will also contribute to the integration of active consumers and energy communities in smart distribution networks, utilizing tools for optimal design and operation while considering environmental evaluation.

The candidate for this position should have a combination of education and experience in life cycle assessment (LCA) and economic assessment (LCC), as well as an understanding of LCA software such as GaBi or similar Ecoinvent databases. These skills are essential for the energy sector, particularly for energy storage systems for electric vehicles, and renewable energies and its integration and optimisation of smart distribution networks. In addition to technical skills, the candidate should possess exceptional analytical and synthesis skills, be a great team player, adaptable, innovative, proactive, and have excellent problem-solving abilities.

Deadline for application: February 20th , 2024

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