PhD Student (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Applications are invited for PhD student positions at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS). The PhD student will become a member of a world class research group that frequently contributes to top computer architecture and high-performance computing venues (E.g. SC, ISCA, HPCA, HPDC, or PPoPP).

Research activities will be focused on one or several of the following topics, among others:

1. Virtual memory management: Acceleration of virtual to physical address translation, hardware support for OS, management of irregular workloads.

2. High-performance computing architectures: Acceleration of floating-point intensive workloads via reconfigurable or vector processors.

3. Cache management policies for graph and strongly irregular workloads.

4. Numerical libraries for scientific computing with focus on long vector architectures.

Experience in some of these topics is strongly appreciated.

Key Duties

  • Formulate and evaluate new ideas in a rigorous way
  • Write technical reports and papers
  • Use and extend scientific code (numerical libraries, simulators, etc.)

Termini per aplicar: Dijous, 31 Agost, 2023

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