JAE Intro ICU 2023 scholarships for the academic year 2023/24

The Institut de Ciències del Mar (Institute of Marine Sciences) hosts 8 fellowships to introduce young scientists in marine research with JAE Intro ICU 2023 scholarships for the academic year 2023/24.

The CSIC is in charge of the call and of the reception of proposals. ICM’s hosting offers will be open until August 16, 2023. There are a total of 250 hosting offers. The process will be resolved through a competitive evaluation. You will find all the information on the following website.

The training programmes offered by ICM are:

  • ICM-01: Can we observe surface-induced intratubular flow with molecular dynamics simulations? Investigador responsable: Francesco Colizzi (fcolizzi@icm.csic.es)
  • ICM-02: Monitoring the contemporary biodiversity crisis in the Mediterranean Sea using digital data from recreational fishing. Investigador responsable: Valerio Sbragaglia (sbragaglia@icm.csic.es)
  • ICM-03: Facing a warming Antarctic Ocean: Penguin population responses to increasing water temperatures and sea ice retreat. Investigador responsable: Francisco Ramírez (ramirez@icm.csic.es)
  • ICM-04: Abundance of microplastics in cephalopods. Investigadora responsable: Cristina Romera Castillo (crisrc@icm.csic.es)
  • ICM-05: Dynamical impacts of riverine discharge trends in the ocean circulation in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Investigador responsable: Joaquim Ballabrera (joaquim@icm.csic.es)
  • ICM-06: Microbial sentinels from sediments from the Antarctic Red Lagoon in Deception Island. Investigadora responsable: Silvia González Acinas (sacinas@icm.csic.es)
  • ICM-07: Comportamiento predador en octopus: ¿son capaces de discriminar el sexo de sus presas? Investigador responsable: Roger Villanueva Lopez (roger@icm.csic.es)
  • ICM-08: Pain indicators in lobsters applying omics. Investigador responsable: Guiomar Rotllant (guio@icm.csic.es)

Termini per sol·licitar; 16 August 2023

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