Master Student Internship - Assesing the impact of air pollution reduction strategies (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Atmospheric Composition group from the Earth Science department at the BSC-CNS is looking for an eligible candidate to perform an internship on assessing the impact of air pollution (O3, NO2, PM) reduction strategies in Spain. The candidate will focus on quantifying the response of current air pollution levels to the implementation of different emission abatement plans. The candidate will be working with numerical tools developed at the Earth Science department of the BSC-CNS, including the MONARCH air quality system and the HERMES emission model. She/he will compile available observations of air pollutants and contribute to analysis and model evaluation tasks. The work will be done under the supervision of Dr. Marc Guevara Vilardell and Dr. María Gonçalves Ageitos and will contribute to ongoing national research activities of the Atmospheric Composition group.

Key Duties

  • Literature review to understand air pollution episodes in Spain, identify sources of secondary pollutants (O3, PM) and compile main outcomes from previous related impact assessment studies.
  • Collection and analysis of surface air pollution measurements at specific Spanish hotspots.
  • Preparation, simulation and evaluation of emission abatement scenarios.
  • Quantify potential benefits from measures as deduced from the modelling results.
  • Develop the necessary codes, analysis and reports to perform and present her/his work.
  • Interact with atmospheric composition scientists.

Termini per aplicar: Dijous, 16 Febrer, 2023

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