HACK THE HOSPITAL 2, “Help us design our room of the future!”

HACK THE HOSPITAL 2,the hackathon designed to improve the life of pediatric patients


This year’s edition is led by the leading pediatric hospitals of Sant Joan de Déu (Barcelona), the Great Ormond Street (London) and the SickKids (Toronto) and counts with the presence and mentorship of REAL PATIENTS and HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS from each hospital! 🧒👧🏥


⚡Who are we looking for?⚡
Professionals, students and enthusiasts in the areas of
  • <technology> (developers, computer scientists, modeling),
  • <business> (entrepreneurs, strategists),
  • <creativity> (design, architecture, gaming, communication, modeling)
  • <healthcare> (psychology, medicine, pediatricians)

🌈What do we expect from you?🌈
Work in multidisciplinary and international teams to ideate and prototype the hospital room of the future! Emerging technology should be implemented in the solutions*

Teams will be formed by the hackathon organizers*

🏆 Award 🏆:
2 winner ideas will be presented at the MWC Barcelona 2023  (MWC stand) 


HACK THE HOSPITAL 2 online event 💻

February 18-19, 2023
*With available co-working spaces in
Barcelona, London and Toronto


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