Work and live in Germany – Bavaria!
Join our first European Job Day in Germany with the Bavarian chambers of industry and commerce! Welcome to our event that is open to all branches!
Organised by EURES Bavaria, the German Federal Employment Office and supported by ELA (European Labour Authority).
Do you have a completed education or study? Do you have working experience in your sector or do you feel passionate about living and working in Germany - Bavaria? Are you looking for a job experience abroad? Do you want to know something about the dual education system in Germany and our projects for trainees from the EU? Maybe you are looking for a change because of different circumstances. Do you speak German or English? Our German employers from Bavaria are excited to meet you and support you and your families first steps in Germany! Become a part of their business and support the exchange of knowledge at our European labour markets!
Feel invited to visit our event on the 29th of November online and in our live stream!
Meet employers from Bavaria and jobseekers from the EU. We will support you in finding the right candidate or job.
Do you want to know something about living, education and working in Germany? Visit our broadcast and live stream on the day of the event. Take your chance to find a job in Germany.
We will be there for you online, in the live stream and chat between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm.
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