Traineeship at the Joint Research Centre (JRC)

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission, providing independent science and technology advice to European policymakers.

The JRC offers internships to young trainees who wish to acquire scientific work experience and to put into practice the scientific knowledge they have obtained during their studies or professional careers.

The scientific activities of the JRC are divided between the following sites: Brussels, Ispra, Geel, Petten, Karlsruhe and Seville.

There are two types of training:

1. Training related to the preparation of a thesis for a university degree

This is for individuals who are receiving university education or its equivalent and are preparing a thesis for a university degree or Master's degree or PhD or its equivalent at graduate level. The purpose of the training must be directly related to the subject of the thesis.

2. Training after university education (or its equivalent)

This type of training is for individuals who wish to gain work experience following the award of a university degree, Master's degree, or PhD.

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