Traineeships at EESC

Twice a year the European Economic and Social Committee offers traineeships for a period of five months to university graduates.

These periods of in-service training offer an opportunity to learn about the EESC's roles and activities and to acquire professional experience in a multicultural environment. They begin on 16 February and 16 September of each year and take place in the Committee's offices in Brussels. For a brief description of the EESC's organisation chart and tasks typically carried out by trainees, please consult the downloads.

Long-term trainees are given a monthly grant in accordance with the provisions regarding traineeships at the EESC. For long-term traineeships taking place within the time period 16/09/2022 – 15/02/2023 the amount of the grant is a lump sum of 1.282,75 EUR per month. The amount will remain unchanged until the end of the 2022 Autumn session (15/02/2023).

Termini per aplicar: 30/09/2022

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