Traineeships at the ECML

The ECML has offered traineeships since 1997. The scheme has proved a highly successful means of developing further contacts between the Centre and its member states. Recruiting young professionals from all over Europe to join its team for a short period both reinforces the Centre’s role as a place of international cooperation and promotes an atmosphere of intercultural learning. For the trainees it often represents their first experience of an international organisation. The scheme which the ECML now offers is the result of a learning process and is adapted to meet the needs both of the Centre and the trainees themselves.

Application deadlines: 31 August for the period January to June of the following year

Although we do not systematically follow the careers of our trainees, from our ongoing contacts we see that many have continued to work in the area of international cooperation. We would like to think that their stay at the Centre has influenced their decision in this respect.

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