The classical economy of capital and scale has become the economy of ideas and networks, while the speed of innovation and change increases.
This training program, aimed exclusively at The Collider partners, inspires participants about the new opportunities that occur in the business world, and provides practical cases to identify, evaluate and search for business opportunities.
03/06 10h - 12h. Transforming Organizations Through Agile. OKR and Self-sustained High Impact Teams. With Màrius Gil
10/06 10h - 12h. How Technologies Disrupt Markets? Strategy, Innovation & Corporates. With Marc Sansó
17/06 10h -12h. Ambidextrous Organizations: Combining Disruptive and Incremental Perspective on Competition. With Marc Sansó
01/07 10h - 12h. Digital Business Modelling: How to Kickstart Network Effects in Big Coporations.
With Marc Sansó
08/07 10h - 12h. Growth and Exponential Organizations: The Product-Led Approach. With Marc Sansó
15/07 10h - 12h. Data-Driven Business Models & Entrepreneurial Finance. With Xavier Sansó
22/07 10h - 12h. Leading Digital Transformation . 10 treats of future proof leadership. With Lluis Soldevilla