The OSCE offers a limited number of places for trainees which are filled subject to current needs and facilities of the various Departments. The traineeship usually lasts between two and six months and takes place throughout the year.
OSCE internships are unpaid. However, selected candidates who are non-residents at the duty station may be entitled to partial compensation towards their cost of living expenses.
Interns can assist and support the work of the following offices within the OSCE:
- OSCE Secretariat, Vienna;
- Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media, Vienna;
- High Commissioner on National Minorities, The Hague;
- OSCE Presence in Albania;
- OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- OSCE Mission in Kosovo;
- OSCE Mission to Skopje;
- OSCE Mission to Moldova (Russian or Romanian working knowledge is required);
- OSCE Mission to Serbia;
- OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine;
- OSCE Centre in Bishkek;
DEADLINE 25/04/2022
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