Are you a job seeker or looking for new employment opportunities in Latvia?

Then take part in our online event and explore Latvia! Latvia can offer you good opportunities for employment and career growth in different sectors.

During the event, you'll have the chance to meet Latvian employers and discuss job opportunities, listen to presentations, and get advice from experts about living and working conditions in Latvia.

The event is also focused on Latvian citizens living abroad who are considering a return to Latvia.

Start applying for job vacancies now, and you may be invited for an online job interview.

Participation in the "Job and Career in Latvia" will be available online, using a computer or mobile device with an internet connection.

Jobseeker account registration is necessary to apply for event job vacancies.

Quan: December 1st  from 14.00 until 16.00 Latvian time (13.00 – 15.00 CET)

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