CAST Network

On Monday 22nd March and Tuesday 23rd March 2021, both days from 10am to 1pm CET, when EU project CAST (Creative Accelerators for Sustainable Tourism) in proud collaboration with the UNWTO and the Creative Business Network will host its next Investment Readiness Workshop. This workshop is dedicated to early stage investment to encourage creative innovation in the sustainable tourism sector.

What’s in for you?

You’ll become part of a specialised community with direct access to an active investor group. During the workshop, you will prepare your business for investment by getting into financiers’ minds to understand what they are looking for and what they expect from startups and SMEs in sustainable tourism.

Explore the different types of equity investment, their pros and cons, that are suitable for startups in different maturity phases. You will learn how to structure an investment pitch presentation that provides financiers with necessary key information.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2021

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