Junior Research Engineer for Social Link Analytics (RE2) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Within the Life Sciences Department, we are looking for a research engineer to work on a recently granted project to explain the relationship between the vulnerability of Internet users to fake news and the dynamics of propagation and repercussion of these contents on social media. The project will explore the phenomenon from a holistic and comprehensive perspective by combining experimental research with quantitative and qualitative methods. The research engineer will be part of a team within this project that will develop tools, methods, and guidelines that can be employed by public health institutions, media organizations, and the general public to counteract the dissemination of fake news.

The work will be carried out at the Social Link Analytics unit (https://www.bsc.es/discover-bsc/organisation/scientific-structure/social-and-media-impact-evaluation). The unit develops methodologies to determine the social consequences of scientific projects by analyzing large data sets to assess the consequences of the implementation of specific projects, monitoring their progress and assisting in the planning of new projects. The successful candidate will interact directly with a team in text mining and language processing covering domain application and project development-related aspects.

Key Duties

  • Develop tools to collect, clean, process, and analyze social media data;
  • Design a data collection pipeline to build datasets of information related to fake news using various APIs
  • Preparing multilingual datasets from social media for ML and statistical analysis.
  • Train NLP models for text classification and topic modelling
  • Participate in the dissemination of results through visualisations, scientific articles, blogs, and online media posts

Data de tancament: Dimarts, 04 Febrer, 2025

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