Workshop: COLLABAT Next-Gen EV-Battery Solutions Showcase

Join us for an engaging workshop aimed at accelerating the mass market adoption of electric vehicles through innovative battery pack technologies.

Hosted by COLLABAT, this event will showcase the advances of five European projects in overcoming current and future challenges in electric vehicle battery systems.

The workshop is organised in four sessions, covering different approaches in battery systems design for several vehicle platforms and specific innovative components aiming at increasing battery range and boosting performance. The event will finalise with a session on the advancements done in the BMS COLLABAT subcluster on data monitoring and analytics, novel algorithms and reliable and secure connections.

Quan: 26 November 2024 14.00 - 18.00

On: UPC-School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB) 647 Av. Diagonal, Barcelona, CT 08028 Building PI (Pavelló I)

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