Del paper a la decisió informada

The CEPIMA research group, part of the ENCORE team, is organizing a seminar titled "Harnessing Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery: From Information Retrieval and Extraction to Smart Recommendations in Process Systems."

This seminar has been organized around the opportunity to host Shota Kato, an Assistant Professor at Kyoto University, as an invited external speaker. Shota Kato’s research focuses on machine learning and natural language processing. In his talk, he will provide insights into cutting-edge developments in automated physical model building by extracting information from scientific literature (PDFs).

His talk is integrated into the broader seminar program that also explores topics related to information retrieval, such as how to effectively find relevant research papers, and recommender systems that utilize extracted information to identify optimal, potentially sustainable and economically viable solutions. The focus of these applications is on process systems and the circular economy.

With contributions from researchers at UPC, the seminar aims to showcase the potential of machine learning tools to support efficient decision-making. Shota Kato’s research complements and enhances this pipeline by building bridges between information extraction and smart decision-making in complex systems.

The event can also be followed online via Google Meet.

Quan: 17/10/2024 de 14:00 a 16:30

On: Sala Polivalent de l'EEBE

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