CIMNE Seminar: "20 years of Optimization and Data Sciences Applications in South-American sports", by Dr. Guillermo Duran

In this talk, we took a tour of the optimization and data science applications carried out by our groups at the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Chile in the field of sports in general, and football in particular. From the beginning almost 20 years ago with the soccer scheduling in Chile, a project that still continues today, to other experiences throughout these years such as the soccer programming in Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, and the South American World Cup qualifiers, and the basketball and volleyball from Argentina.

We also showed some advances in the prediction of sports results and their application to football, basketball, and rugby; as well as other projects that combined mathematics and sports, such as the one we had just started in collaboration with Racing de Santander, from the Second Division of Spain.

We discussed the practical results and academic challenges behind these types of problems.

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