Safeguarding Carbon Markets Challenge | Catalyzing anti-corruption innovation to safeguard critical climate resources

The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development (CTC Grand Challenge), in collaboration with its partners the BHP Foundation and the Global Partnership for Social Accountability, is pleased to announce the Safeguarding Carbon Markets Challenge (SCM Challenge). The SCM Challenge seeks innovative concepts that counter corruption and enhance transparency and accountability in carbon markets to preserve the benefits of critical climate finance.

We encourage fresh ideas, early-stage prototypes, and scalable solutions that bridge and build upon best practice and expertise from both the anti-corruption and climate finance communities to reduce opportunities for corruption, raise the costs of corruption, and incentivize public and private sector integrity in these critical markets.

Successful innovations under this challenge will ensure inclusive representation in their implementation, explore novel partnerships, and increase the emergent evidence base of countering corruption in these markets. Join this impressive movement and help us safeguard the ethical and responsible mobilization of climate resources, at scale, to achieve net zero carbon emissions and achieve a sustainable climate future. 

Innovation might take multiple forms, including:

  • New business models, especially those that make a business case for engaging in climate change mitigation efforts;
  • New and creative ways of delivering or financing goods or services;
  • The development and testing of cutting-edge tools, technologies, and approaches;
  • New ways of increasing uptake of proven solutions and scaling to new places;
  • Cost-effective adaptations to existing solutions (e.g., certification measures);
  • Policy innovations; 
  • Operational procedures that improve upon day-to-day business approaches; and/or
  • Innovations based on insights from behavioral science and social norms. 

Expires on August 16, 2024

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