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Enginyer/a doctorat/da per la avaluació i predicció de la contaminació lumínica de Catalunya mitjançant models matemàtics per l'IEEC

Light pollution, understood as the alteration of the natural brightness of the sky due to artificial light sources, is one of the modern environmental problems that has increased most significantly in recent times. State-of-the-art mathematical models of light propagation allow us to evaluate and predict light pollution over a wide area. These models use an inventory of artificial lights, the orography of the territory and other variables to predict the sky's brightness at a given location.

The goal of the current project is to apply one of these mathematical models to Catalonia, using various inventories of light (both current and potential future ones). The result will be a set of maps depicting light pollution in Catalonia under different lighting scenarios. The study will be conducted across different spectroscopic bands.

Our team at the University of Barcelona (IEEC - ICCUB) has extensive experience in light pollution studies. This work is commissioned by the Servei de Prevenció i Control de la Contaminació Acústica i Lumínica under a public contract between the IEEC and the Departament d'Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The selected candidate will have the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Deploy, run and modify (if needed) the software to predict and evaluate the light pollution.
  • Verify and analyse the outputs of the software.
  • Help in the preparation of the reports, including the generation of maps.
  • Demonstrate ability to debug, troubleshoot, and isolate software issues.
  • Develop plans, specifications, etc.
  • Work well both independently and as part of a team

Data fi de termini: 2024-07-09

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