Webinar: Experiències en sistemes de purificació de biogàs i perspectives futures.

The LIFE BIOGASNET project, coordinated by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, is organising its final conference “Experiences in biogas purification systems and future prospective”. 

The project has developed an innovative cost-efficient and low-carbon footprint technology for biogas upgrading in order to boost the use of biogas as a sustainable energy source and reduce the carbon footprint of the energy cycle promoting the circular economy concept.

During the final conference, project partners and researchers will present the most representative innovations, developments and results achieved as part of the project. Additionally, the event will include different sessions from other professionals and experts working on the field of sustainable and renewable energies, biogas and sustainable technologies. The conference is designed to be a forum of discussion on new opportunities and advances in biogas promotion as renewable energy.

Quan: 27th of February 2024, 10.00h – 18.00h CET

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