OECD Internship Programme

The OECD Internship Programme is designed to bring highly around 500 qualified and motivated students with diverse backgrounds into the Organisation to work on projects linked to the Strategic Orientations of the Secretary-General and to support the corporate functions of the Organisation. Its main goal is to give successful candidates the opportunity to improve their analytical and technical skills in an international environment.

Job description: 

Successful candidates will carry out research and provide support to Policy Analysts in one of the following areas (non-exhaustive list): Artificial Intelligence, Bribery and corruption, Development, Digitalisation, Economy, Education and Skills, Environment, Gender and Diversity, International Migration, Health, Science and Technology, Tax, Tourism, Trade and Agriculture, Transport.

DEADLINE 29/02/2024

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Club ETSEIB Alumni: Taula rodona, El món del MOTORSPORT

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