Jobinar: Euroclear – Here IT matters

Do you enjoy problem-solving? Are you interested in kick-starting a career in IT? This is an exciting opportunity to join a reputable firm where we will develop your skills in IT and make you discover the world of financial markets from scratch.

Our technology ambition is to combine the agility, speed and innovation of a FinTech start-up with the stability and reliability of one of the world's leading providers of B2B financial transactions. Today, Euroclear is going through an exciting technology transformation which will help support our global expansion and strengthen our leading position in the global marketplace. Our technology department is setting the path in terms of agile ways of thinking and working. For our different technology divisions, this means sticking to the agile rituals, empowering people and making them accountable. Our leaders have all adopted the agile and servant leadership mindset.

Quan: 21 Apr 2022 12:00

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