The aim of the project is to offer future opportunities to Ukrainian refugees with digital skills and knowledge while their forced expatriation is prolonged

A powerful network of European digital leaders has decided to align itself to achieve this goal 

Europe's technological leaders, at the service of the common good

IT for Ukrainians is a non-profit project. It has no commercial purpose. Only one goal. Helping. To join the wave of solidarity that is sweeping Europe at a critical time. Behind the program are companies and organizations such as the Mobile World Capital Barcelona, CIONET, Wider Pool, YPO, or RDT Ingenieros, as well as relevant professional associations and educational institutions. An invaluable asset to shape this initiative.

An opportunity for the future, a path towards integration

IT for Ukrainians aims to advance on the path of solidarity by offering alternatives for the future to Ukrainian refugees with knowledge and skills in the technological field. The platform will highlight their profiles and connect them with companies and institutions that can offer them employment while they are unable to return home. Employability as a means of integration in their host countries. Future opportunities to help alleviate their suffering and that of their families.

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