We are inviting employers who have a need to hire skilled workers from the EU countries. This event is targeted only to companies operating in the West Coast area of Finland, and to jobseekers who are interested in working in Finland.
Come and join our recruitment event on March 3rd 2022 between 12:00 pm - 4 pm (CET).
Vacancies in all fields are being offered e.g.
- Industry (metal, construction, ICT etc.)
- Hotel, restaurant, catering
- Healthcare
- Seasonal jobs
Jobseeker, register online, browse through registered employers and show them your interest. Interviews are scheduled by the employers. The automatic screening and matching will help you to find the best vacancies for you. During the day you can chat with employers, exhibitors and EURES Advisers.
Quan: March 3rd 2022 between 12:00 pm - 4 pm (CET).
Més entrades d'Esdeveniments de reclutament