Amazon Launchpad Sustainability Accelerator

The Amazon Launchpad Sustainability Accelerator is a 3-month, equity-free program that supports early-stage start-ups that are building products designed with their environmental impact in mind.

We have collaborated with EIT Climate-KIC, Europe’s leading climate innovation hub. We have designed the program to ensure start-ups receive relevant support at the intersection of e-commerce and impact.

Why apply?

  • Monetary Grants. £10K cash grant. £5K Sponsored Amazon Advertising Credits. USD$25K AWS Activate Credits
  • Expert Mentorship. The accelerator brings together experts who have experience in e-commerce, sustainability focused physical goods and start-up growth.
  • Tailored Curriculum. Workshops, bootcamps and expert speakers, covering a range of topics that are fundamental for any early stage company, ready to scale.

Termini per aplicar: 25 de març de 2022

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