The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is an intergovernmental organisation set up for the promotion of free trade and economic integration between its four Member States: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The EFTA Secretariat provides services to the EFTA States. In Brussels this entails support in the management of the EEA Agreement.
We are looking for highly motivated and qualified trainee candidates to fill 8 traineeship positions. The online application tool is open now.
The aim of the traineeships is to provide junior civil servants and other qualified applicants with opportunities for training and familiarisation with the work and functions of the EFTA Secretariat.
Field of work
The trainees will be assigned to a specific division of the EFTA Secretariat according to the academic field of specialisation, personal preferences and career objectives.
Posts are offered within the following fields of work:
- General / Policy Coordination, Economics, Legal (SGO), Geneva
- International Free Trade agreements, (TRD), Geneva
- Information / Communication (SGO), Brussels
- General / Policy Coordination (ECD), Brussels
- Legal Affairs (ECD), Brussels
- Legal Affairs / Policy Coordination (IMD), Brussels
- Statistical Cooperation (ESO), Luxembourg
A short overview of the activities of each division and the related trainee posts can be found here. Please read the document carefully before applying, you can consult the EFTA Secretariat website for more information.
DEADLINE 01/03/2022
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