Undergraduate student on IoT systems (R0) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Sciences (CS) department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research and development to influence the way computing machines are built, programmed, and used. The Workflows and Distributed Computing group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for distributed computing.

The group is looking for a computer science student to contribute to the development of a library for the interoperability with different devices as smartwatches. The objective is to develop software compatible with SDKs and APIs of devices manufacturers and use this data to AI models implemented with the PyCOMPSs parallel programming framework. PyCOMPSs/COMPSs is a task-based, parallel programming model offered to the project applications as a means to execute them in distributed environments.

This position is part of the AGAUR OneCareAI Producte project, a collaboration with the Sant Pau Research Institute, aimed at advancing stroke risk prediction to enhance prevention, enable continuous monitoring, and explore commercial opportunities.

The role will involve close collaboration with the Machine Learning for Biomedical Research Unit, within the Life Sciences Department that is developing the AI models for stroke prevention assessment. The candidate will work in a highly advanced High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment, benefiting from access to state-of-the-art computational systems and infrastructures. Additionally, the candidate will work closely with the Technology Transfer Office to support the commercialization of research outputs, protect intellectual property, and foster partnerships with industry stakeholders.

We are particularly interested in candidates with a strong background in mobile applications development and usage of SDKs and APIs. This position offers a unique opportunity for professional growth, with the potential to take a leading role in future initiatives arising from this project.

Key Duties

  • Design and develop a library for the integration of multiple IoT devices.
  • Collaborate in the development of a mobile app for the collection of the data.
  • Collaborate across multidisciplinary teams to advance the objectives of the OneCareAI project.

Data de tancament: Dilluns, 03 Febrer, 2025

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