Summer internship for high-performance vectorized libraries (R0) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Applications are invited for a summer intern position at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS). Research activities will be focused on one or several of the following topics, among others:

1. Numerical libraries for scientific computing with focus on long vector architectures.

2. Emulation and evaluation of novel architectures for AI: ISA extensions and novel microarchitectures.

3. High-performance computing architectures: Acceleration of floating-point intensive workloads via reconfigurable or vector processors.

4. Cache management policies for graph and strongly irregular workloads.

Experience in some of these topics is strongly appreciated.

Key Duties

  • Formulate and evaluate new ideas in a rigorous way
  • Write technical reports and papers
  • Use and extend scientific code (Tensorflow, simulators, parallel runtime systems, etc.)

Data de tancament: Dilluns, 03 Febrer, 2025

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