Digital Opportunity Traineeships

The Digital Opportunity traineeship initiative provides cross-border higher education traineeships for students and recent graduates. 

It is financed by Horizon 2020 and implemented through Erasmus+ and the aim is to give students of all disciplines the opportunity to get hands on digital experience in fields demanded by the market.


Who can apply

- Students from universities in the Erasmus+ programme countries and Horizon 2020 associated countries;

- Recent graduates within 12 months after graduation can apply too, provided that they have applied before the graduation.


How to apply

- Candidates apply through their university, according to the timing and procedures established by the university for Erasmus+ traineeships.


The trainees receive an average allowance of €500/month but the exact amount depends on the country, for 2-12 months, in line with Erasmus+ rules and procedures.

Companies are not involved in the transaction but they can top up this grant.

Look for available vacancies on Eures and the Erasmus Intern website.

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