Unite! Seed Fund for Student Activities 2024

The call aims to fund projects on any subject or extracurricular topic that brings an added value to students and is collaborative. Possible ideas include joint activities such as exhibitions, events, excursions, competitions, hackathons, courses on Metacampus; in areas such as innovation, sports, career, language, education, communication, outreach, or any other promising idea.

Why should you apply to the Unite! Seed Fund? 

Financial Support: Secure funding for your projects and innovative ideas. 

Collaboration: Work with students from all over Europe in the Unite! alliance. 

Ideathon: Kickstart your project with guidance and international collaboration opportunities. 

Unite! Seed fund will have bi-annual calls for funding measure on Student Activities. Applications can be submitted until 15 December 2024 via email to seedfund@unite-university.eu.  The funding decision is expected by 10 February 2025.  

More information: Practical information to apply to the Unite! Seed Fund 2024 

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