Postdoctoral position on the role of atmospheric teleconnections in decadal prediction (R2) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

This position is hosted by the Climate Variability and Change (CVC) Group within BSC's Earth Science Department. The CVC Group undertakes fundamental research to (1) understand climate variability and change, including for climate extremes, (2) investigate global biogeochemical dynamics, and the effectiveness and impacts of carbon removal technologies to mitigate climate change, (3) developing new Earth System modeling capabilities, including at ground-breaking resolutions and (4) improving our ability to forecast climate variations and biogeochemical dynamics from one month to multiple decades into the future, both at global and regional scales.

The applicant will join the climate prediction team to explore, in a multi-model ensemble of decadal predictions, how the representation of key teleconnection mechanisms in the North Atlantic region affects the predictive skill over Europe. The work will also involve the application of process-based constrains that represent the key mechanisms identified before to improve the predictive skill of the multi-model ensemble. This work will contribute to the European project Impetus4Change and give the postdoctoral researcher the opportunity to participate to different AI activities in the Earth sciences department.

Key Duties

  • Exploring the representation of key North Atlantic teleconnection mechanisms
  • in a multi-model decadal prediction ensemble
  • Investigating the link between European predictive skill, the realism of the teleconnection mechanisms, and the signal-to-noise issues affecting the North Atlantic
  • Developing process-based constrained multi-model predictions
  • Contribute to project deliverables

Data de tancament: Diumenge, 08 Desembre, 2024

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