Junior Research Engineer in bioinformatics for genomics (RE1) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Genome Informatics unit http://life.bsc.es/genoinfo, led by Miguel Vázquez, is looking for a junior technician to work in the field of bioinformatics for genomics. The project will involve implementing genomic analysis pipelines and running them using a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster, such as MareNostrum 5, over genomic data coming from collaborators in a research project.

The successful candidate will join a small team that works in close collaboration with groups within the Life Sciences department, led by ICREA professor Alfonso Valencia; offering them assistance in their work on different aspects of computational biology, ranging from bioinformatics for genomics and proteomics to computational biochemistry and text mining. Additionally, the team contributes the several national and international research projects in different areas in intersection between biomedicine, HPC, and AI, with a strong component of genomics. The Researcher will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, will have access to systems and computational infrastructures, and will establish collaborations with experts in different areas.

El contrato se financia con cargo a la ayuda PMP21/00090 concedida por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III, financiada por el Instituto de Salud

Carlos III (ISCIII) y con posible cofinanciación con Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa"), hasta el 31/12/2025.

Key Duties

  • Contribute to the project as a bioinformatician analyzing their genomics data
  • Run analysis pipelines and present results
  • Implement pipelines for new analyses in a workflow manager language, such as Nextflow
  • Develop new methodological approaches to meet the particularities of the data

Data de tancament: Dimarts, 31 Desembre, 2024

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