Methodology Multi Modal postdoc within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan - Funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU per el Sincrotró ALBA

The Methodology group at ALBA addresses the needs of new scientific methodologies, algorithms and corresponding software for visualizing and analyzing large data sets created at ALBA, combining data sets with various provenances including the big data world of consortia or community owned databases, and the integration of theoretical and simulation-based data.

The successful candidate will report to the Methodology Group head. S/he will develop methodologies which are based on data analytics for addressing user and staff needs.

This position implies working in synergy with the Scientific Data Management Section, beamline scientists and other members of the Experiments division. In addition, s/he will collaborate with several partner institutions in the frame of the InCAEM subproject of the ´Planes Complementarios con Comunidades Autónomas´ of the ´Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia`, of which the CELLS consortium is the executing entity.

The Infrastructure for Correlative Analysis of Energy Materials (InCAEM) project envisages operando (S)TEM as well as upgrade of existing ALBA beamlines for correlative analysis, several Scanning Probe Microscopies in different environments, and the development of new methodologies and corresponding hardware and software for visualizing and analyzing large multi-modal and multi-lengthscale data sets.

Specifically, you will:

• Develop data analysis strategies for multimodal approaches by implementing pipelines, computational algorithms and data analysis tools for spectroscopy and diffraction datasets in combination with other imaging techniques such us (S)TEM or SPM microscopies.

• Collaborate with experts from the computing division to optimize software pipelines integration and hardware specifications.

• Engage in the on-going research program at ALBA, collaborating with InCAEM partners, national and European projects. This also includes initiating new projects and participating in data acquisition campaigns when appropriate.

Deadline 22/09/2024

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